Autism Holistic Treatment

Unique Holistic Treatment for Autism

 The Neurofeedback and Integrative Therapy Institute is a unique place for providing state of the art non-medication Holistic treatment protocols for Autism Spectrum Disorders. We offer individualized care starting with a free consultation in which our clinicians spends time to understand your symptoms, struggles and situation. We discuss our treatment modalities, answer your questions so that you can make an informed decision about your health. 


Our unique Holistic approach includes a multi modalities system to help achieve optimal outcomes. Services include a unique integration of QEEG, Neurofeedback, Biofeedback, LENS, Heart rate variability training treatments, Counseling, Evaluation of retained Primitive reflexes, Visual motor integration, Brain Gym movement, Pediatric yoga and other Holistic physical therapy treatments.
At NITI, individuals with Autism are trained to improve neuro-connectivity via neurofeedback, Biofeedback, LENS  and Heart rate variability.  While these treatments assist in developing effective neural pathways and neuroregulation in the brain our physical therapist works one on one challenging the right and left cerebral hemispheres to enhance and strengthen the communication with each other. We use movement, motor planning, motor sequencing to address these issues. Our integrated approach is unique because we work hand in hand during the same visit to reinforce connectivity as well as movement based right/left cerebral hemispheres communication.
We utilize the disciplines of psychology, neuroscience and physical therapy to offer a highly effective and intense treatment method without medication.

Your Health Starts Here

If you think that you or someone you know may benefit from our services

please call for a free consultation at 815-931-0047

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are intended for information purposes only.

It is not intended for the purpose of diagnosis or self-treatment for the conditions listed.

Please consult the clinicians at the clinic for diagnosis and advice on treatment options for your condition.

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Office Hours

Monday: 10AM–7PM

Tuesday: 9AM–5PM

Wednesday: 10:30AM–7PM

Thursday: 9AM–5PM

Friday: 10AM–7PM

Saturday: 8AM–2PM

Sunday: Closed

Phone Number

(815) 931-0047 


1250 N Mill St Suite #102, Naperville, IL 60563 

