Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?

According to International CFS Case definition (1994) CFS is defined as severe chronic fatigue of six months that is not explainable by any medical or psychiatric diagnosis.


Have 4 or more of the following 8 symptoms:
• Post-exertional malaise lasting more than 24 hours
• Unrefreshing sleep
• Significant impairment in short term memory or concentration
• Muscle pain
• Multi-joint pain without swelling or redness
• Sore throat
• Tender lymph nodes
• Headaches of a new type, patterns or severity.
 Besides the above symptoms, individuals with CFS may face emotional issues such as:
• Problems coping with variable and unpredictable symptoms
• Uncertainty about the future of their personal health
• Feeling guilty, abandoned, and lonely

Non Pharmacological Interventions:

Neurofeedback, Biofeedback and HeartMath training.
If you suffer from symptoms of CFS and Fibromyalgia a quantitative EEG assessment (QEEG) can assist in identifying some of the underlying issues related to your symptoms. Our trained clinicians will customize a treatment plan that will include a combination of effective neurofeedback treatments (LENS and traditional neurofeedback treatments) with HeartMath training and counseling.
Some of the Benefits of training with HeartMath:
Training with HeartMath and learning to control anxiety can be truly life-transforming. The following are among the key benefits of training.
• Stress hormones decrease.
• Energy level increases.
• Decrease negative thinking and procrastinations.
• Improve overall quality of life.
• Improve test preparation / job performance

Some of the Benefits of training with LENS and traditional neurofeedback for CFS & Fibromyalgia:

It helps to re-train the brain and or optimize the functioning of the entire brain by removing barriers and improving the connections and brainwave activity in a certain region of the brain or among different regions of the brain. It releases the old stuck or abnormal patterns to create new and more effective, stronger and organized patterns. Training protocols are generated from the initial QEEG brain mapping. Training involves audiovisual feedback that involuntarily teaches the individual to self-regulate the abnormal brain wave patterns that are presented to them on computer screen in a number of ways.

Types of neurofeedback therapy used:Traditional neurofeedback. Coherence (communication) training. Z-Score Training               

Make an appointment today to find out how QEEG guided neurofeedback treatments with HeartMath trainings can assist in improving your quality of life and give you a long term relief from CFS & Fibromyalgia symptoms.

Supportive Research Articles:


Abnormal QEEG’S in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients
by Crago R, Ph.D.

Approximately 20 patients with a medical diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome were evaluated using QEEG with comparison to Thatcher’s reference data base. The majority of the patient’s demonstrated dominent patterns of diffuse alpha with frontal intrusion and often slowed alpha. Some demonstrated dominent theta patterns.

Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Neurofeedback and Self-Hypnosis: A Case Report
by Hammond CD, Ph.D.

Research suggests that there may be two clusters of chronic fatigue patients: A group with relatively rapid onset and no psychiatric symptom history, and a group with a gradual onset and a significant history of depression and other psychiatric disturbance. It has been suggested that the former may represent patients most likely affected by a virus. This paper describes the treatment of a young woman with more rapid onset CFS without a psychiatric history.

A Trial of 18 Hz AVS on Attention and Concentration in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by Trudeau DL, M.D.

The effect of AVS on symptoms of decreased attention and concentration was studied in an uncontrolled open clinical trial in members of a CFS support group. Volunteer subjects completed written informed consent and received 60 daily sessions of AVS at a target frequency of 18Hz. Pre and post-intervention QEEG’s, Beck depression scale, Magill pain questionnaire, T.O.V.A., DSM-IV ADHD symptom checklist were done. None of the subjects had Wender Utah criteria for childhood ADHD.

10 Hz Elevations as the Core of Eyes Open Alpha in ADD, Chronic Fatigue, Depression
by Brown VW, Ph.D.

This presentation examines the phenomenology of the eyes open alpha demonstrated in a variety of conditions. Case review of 10 clients with mixed clinical presentation will be used to demonstrate that the core constituent of eyes open alpha elevations consists in prominent elevations at 10 Hz regardless of client presenting symptomatology.

EEG Patterns and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by Billiot KM M.A., Budzynski TH Ph.D., Andrasik F Ph.D.

This study examined the relationship between EEG recordings of 28 females with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and age matched controls of the same gender. CFS subjects’ EEG recordings were also compared to their responses on the Profile of Fatigue Related Symptoms, and two questionnaires developed specifically for this study.

EEG Biofeedback as a Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Controlled Case Report


by James LC and Folen RA

EEG neurofeedback has been identified as a potential diagnostic and treatment protocol with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) symptoms. In the present case study, the authors applied an EEG neurofeedback biofeedback paradigm as a treatment modality with a CFS patient. Baseline data were acquired using the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised and qualitative and subjective ratings of cognitive improvement. Test results and clinical findings revealed improvements in the patient’s cognitive abilities, functional skill level, and quality of life. The patient showed significant differences in pre- and posttest levels on the Wechsler scale.

Additional Research Studies:

1. Donaldson, C. C. S., Sella, G. E., & Mueller, H. H. (1998). Fibromyalgia: A retrospective study of 252 consecutive referrals. Canadian Journal of Clinical Medicine, 5 (6), 116127.
2. Hammond, D. C. (2001). Treatment of chronic fatigue with neurofeedback and self-hypnosis. NeuroRehabilitation, 16, 295–300.
3. James, L. C., & Folen, R. A. (1996). EEG biofeedback as a treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome: A controlled case report. Behavioral Medicine, 22(2), 77–81.
4. Kayrian, S., Dursun, E., Ermutlu, N., Dursun, N., & Karamursel, S. (2007). Neurofeedback in fibromyalgia syndrome. The Journal of the Turkish Society of Algology, 19(3), 47–53.
5. Mueller, H. H., Donaldson, C. C. S., Nelson, D. V., & Layman, M. (2001). Treatment of fibromyalgia incorporating EEG-driven stimulation: A clinical outcomes study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(7), 933–952.
6. Tansey, M. A. (1993). Neurofeedback and chronic fatigue syndrome: New findings with respect to diagnosis and treatment. CFIDS Chronicle, 9, 30

• Research Articles for Fibromyalgia

Treatment of Fibromyalgia Incorporating EEG-Driven Stimulation: A Clinical Outcomes Study [abs.]
by Mueller HH, Donaldson CC, Nelson DV, Layman M

Thirty patients from a private clinical practice who met the 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria for fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) were followed prospectively through a brainwave-based intervention known as electroencephalograph (EEG)-driven stimulation or EDS. Patients were initially treated with EDS until they reported noticeable improvements in mental clarity, mood, and sleep. Self-reported pain, then, having changed from vaguely diffuse to more specifically localized, was treated with very modest amounts of physically oriented therapies. Pre- to posttreatment and extended follow-up comparisons of psychological and physical functioning indices, specific FS symptom ratings, and EEG activity revealed statistically significant improvements.

Neurofeedback Improves Symptoms Of Fibromyalgia In A Randomized, Controlled Study
by Fisher A PHD

In a recently published article in the journal, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, researchers report that neurofeedback, a form of biofeedback, significantly improves symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). The authors devised a well thought out study that included a total of 36 patients who experienced FMS. Patient were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: 18 in a neurofeedback group and 18 in an Escitalopram (i.e., Lexipro) group.

Neurofeedback Intervention in Fibromyalgia Syndrome; a Randomized, Controlled, Rater Blind Clinical Trial [abs.]
by Kayran S, Dursun E, Dursun N, Ermutlu N, Karamürsel S

We designed a randomized, rater blind study to assess the efficacy of EEG Biofeedback (Neurofeedback-NFB) in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Eighteen patients received twenty sessions of NFB-sensory motor rhythm (SMR) treatment (NFB group) during 4 weeks, and eighteen patients were given 10 mg per day escitalopram treatment (control group) for 8 weeks.

Your Health Starts Here

If you think that you or someone you know may benefit from our treatments

please call for a free consultation at 815-931-0047

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are intended for information purposes only.

It is not intended for the purpose of diagnosis or self-treatment for the conditions listed.

Please consult the clinicians at the clinic for diagnosis and advice on treatment options for your condition.

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